About Me
I'm just a regular guy who does regular things.
Meaning I enjoy pizza, the company of dogs, occasional inebriation, equal parts worthy literature and brainless Hollywood fare, and spontaneity of the positive kind. Meaning impulsive adventures: yes please. No-knock police raids: no thanks.
I enjoy writing about as much as most people enjoy a very liberating bladder-relieving session after a ten-hour car ride of struggling to hold it in while driving on a bumpy road, and I think that the words we think of when we are alone because they are too personal, too painful, too truthful, too secret to say aloud to the people that inspired them, are exactly the kind of words worth writing down.
...Those are also precisely the sort of words that constantly allude me, but that is entirely beside the point. -_-
. . . :'(
Why don't pretty words LOVE MEEEEH???
*snotter, shudder, sob*
On the other hand, I also laugh at low-brow humour and the (non-harmful... mostly.) misfortune of others.
Hey, nobody's an angel. ;)
Well, nobody beside Hailey, that is. <3