About Me
I've had a fortunate life, in the pursuit of expressing my ideals & other aspirations through the use of multiple artistic resources.
I've been a Folk Singer/Song-writer, I've Participated in making small studio based projects with the use of my vocal & instrumental taking credit. I've played live Venues, & i have produced & co-wrote or fully wrote lyrics & orchestrated and composed music.
I've created Comics, one of which was announced during it's per-production in a Louisiana comic convention
I've wont academic awards for illustrations, mostly sketched.
As well, I've won awards for poetry and other literary subjects.
currently, working on a manu-script .
I have many social site accounts, & other references outside of this one in particular; for further "info" about myself & contact.
I like reviewing others material, and appreciate the same. I like classic rock, and classical music, i like talking to people who share the same interest. etc.