When Lavender Light appears and the Day is humming with Excitement ...the Birds fly to Branches where the days are filled with Political Conspiracies...
And when I grow too Old to Dream...I will have you to Remember...Monet's Waterlilies will float awayuntil tomorrow ...I will stand inside a Waterfall ..
As the New Year 2025 settles in for an early Spring...We plant Blue Bells where Chickadees begin to Sing..."Let me call you Sweetheart... " on the bou..
As we approach the Eve of Christmas...we become adorned with Radience of silver and gold...Children are nestled with Story Books in Nooks whereEmbers ..
Mozart's Lullaby... the Miracle of Christmas... when Angels gathered Roundto adore the Savior sweet and mild... a Child who is destined to becomeA Wis..
Deep in the Woods where green moss is Soft...I ventured with my friend Woody with Wings...He taught me to discover the Hollow Trees where the warmth o..