Passionate* : Writing

Only A Man

Only A Man

A Poem by Passionate*

Blow after blow Through my chest Through my heart Weakens me As droplets of blood Fall Falling Through a hole Knoc..
The Black Cloud

The Black Cloud

A Chapter by Passionate*

The horizon was tinged with red for quite a while and slowly the sun came up. I got out of my bed and reluctantly walked towards the ..


A Chapter by Passionate*

I heard the thunder strike again and it was followed by the sound of my teeth chattering. I could hear the wind howling and the rain fal..
A Collection of Stories

A Collection of Stories

A Book by Passionate*

All of my school compositions. I thought I'd loose them one way or the other. What better way to preserve them than store them in here, eh?
For Today I'll Dream

For Today I'll Dream

A Poem by Passionate*

A poem to describe those, who think that they are better off in their dream worlds.


A Chapter by Passionate*

Life Lessons Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. - Helen Keller The difference between schoo..


A Book by Passionate*

You only get to live life once. And with every mistake that you make along the way, you learn something new. Basically, this is a book about the lesso..
When Happiness Left

When Happiness Left

A Poem by Passionate*

This poem descries one's emotions who loses his/her friends. Friends whom he/she loved dearly and would have done anything to save them from a storm ..

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