Upon thatwillow treeI find myancestorscarved in,It wastranquilWind~interlockingwith strandsof my brown hair,I whispernonsense,hoping m..
I have a fascination withall things love,Daydreams constructing expectationsand a daily need for a thing whichI have yet to experience,It's an obsessi..
Time I find,is fascinating,able to remind youof failures longpassedRegardless, I questionwhether my futureunhappiness will derivefrom failed dreams,Pe..
Oh, the power of words,Ain't that right, sugar?How they travel downa page,beautiful,don't you think?Remember that night,in 1983 when we crossedthe lak..
There he was,A brush in hand, A palette in the other,A vision in sight,And I, his muse,Moving I mustn't be, Still, I must be,For my beauty wasundoubte..
Sharp turns,Bright smile,Pointed feet,Beautiful face,Tall posture,Straight arms,Technique."It's all about the technique."They said.Constantly. Screams..
The way he wrinkled his nose,and stared at the sky,The way he chuckled at my words,and rose to my high,The way he nervously touched his hair,When I ki..
Anxiety. It consumes you. Rapidly. Suddenly.You look ||||||||||||||¿down. S W E A T.Th-th-thumping heart. Racing thoughts. You feel everything...
A beating organscours the silencedwinds.A moment. A time.A shrunken image oflost times.a fantasy.A contemplation,A choir of curiosity,A careful quiet...
I'm FineYou're lyingI'm FineYou're notBut I am.I am Fine.I'm so FineI could laughthe loudest,smile the brightest,pretendtalk the lon..