Hi. My name is Amber Rose. Well, kind of. Before I was adopted my name was Ambrosia, but my parents didn't want me to be named after a fruit salad so ..
My mom's name is Elaina. I can't really put her into any catagory. I love her, but with me being a teenager and obnoxious and stuff, she can forget to..
My dad's name is Luke. We have a complicated relationship as well, although it's a bit different than my mom. My mom's issues started mostly right aft..
Casey is my best friend. I met her when I first moved to Bow, 5 years ago. We hated each other back then because we both SUCKED. She was a manipulativ..
Alex is my second best friend. Honestly sometimes I'm closer to him than I am to Casey, since Casey is a bit of a control freak even now and can be ov..
Now I'm getting into some of the messier categories. Hope was my best friend, but now I don't even know what we are. I met her at my summer camp a few..
I really don't like her. Hope's mom arranged for Hope and Eve to be friends, and all Eve did was boss her around and try to control Hope too. That's p..
Abby is a bit strange. She is the kind of person who gets into trouble in class a lot because she does goofy stuff. She doesn't get embarrassed, and e..
Wyatt is the boy I have a crush on. At my school, the only people who are nice to me other than my friends are people who feel bad for me because so m..
Writing about my day to day issues at school to stay sane.