Ollie : Writing

Cloudy Sunrise

Cloudy Sunrise

A Poem by Ollie

Sunrise is usually a blinding sight.The burning sun rising above mountains, clearing the horizon,igniting everything in its path."Look at me!" The sun..
Walking Contradiction

Walking Contradiction

A Poem by Ollie

Yet another rant


A Poem by Ollie

Rant. This'll get hate, I guarantee it.
Even If

Even If

A Poem by Ollie

Little scribbles during English class.


A Poem by Ollie

True story that I need to rant about. Yip yip. Reviews are very appreciated.
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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
We Aren't Alright

We Aren't Alright

A Poem by Ollie

Rant. Because teenagers can be a******s, but usually, we're misunderstood. Told from the perspective of a parent reading it. TW
Then You'll Know

Then You'll Know

A Poem by Ollie

Inside Out

Inside Out

A Poem by Ollie

The Dark

The Dark

A Poem by Ollie

True story of poetry from my own life, my crippling fear of the dark stopping around 2011.
But Why?

But Why?

A Poem by Ollie

FTM transgender poetry. Boys can be feminine! Feminine FTM trans guys are still guys, it doesn't matter what they wear or do.