I'd like to catch buckwheat and release him like a strand of hairlike a barking black-and-white doginto the aimless bog of lifeso that his heat all ma..
A coming of-life experience, generally prescribed for twenty some-odds. It's merely a sad truth when you're 19.
I'm missing the back, right now, so to speak.
you are the sparsile star
innocuous accidental among perennials
innociduous lightsmile in a vial
of blackness; not naught, but a mar
of rising sun..
cagastric adj 1662 -1753
of diseases, originating under an ill star
We no longer believe in cagastric causes for illness and defo..
If, for an instance of time, you
your soul gained so much weight, meaning
that the entire world turned on..
penny rolled
harshly against
the wall: “Strife is justice”1
This is significant
but does not matter;
your love is insignificant,
lucidity is a capacity
lunar eclipse, a tragedy –
truly then you are beauty.
you shaft souls like arrows,
shooting them a dozen at a time...
Perhaps best read whilst listening to Canon and Gigue.
A solid 8 on my personal insanity scale