The OutKasted : Writing

Wild Flower

Wild Flower

A Poem by The OutKasted

A Familiar "Love" Story. . . Yes, this picture is mine.
Confessions of a Man

Confessions of a Man

A Story by The OutKasted

Although I couldn't select "chapter" as the type of writing for this piece, this IS a chapter from the life of someone I know. It is but a piece tha..


A Poem by The OutKasted

See. . . "I Loved you for your Scars. . .And you Faulted me for Mine." <3I saw Beauty in your Scars; You were my Favorite piece of Art.Might still ..
His Guitar-

His Guitar-

A Poem by The OutKasted

This was an Inspired by a man whom I named... Jay.
& I Lost Myself

& I Lost Myself

A Poem by The OutKasted

A little Piece of Something that We've ALL Been Through.


A Story by The OutKasted

I absolutley bet that my paper was the worst, most disappointing, degrading piece of paper that my professor has ever recieved !!!! I dont even want ..
I Wonder ...

I Wonder ...

A Poem by The OutKasted

I wonder, a lot. I wonder how is it that I've been able to ignore thisinflamed, sore, gaping hole inside my chest for so long. It's finally caught m..
Once Again

Once Again

A Poem by The OutKasted

I face it every day. You’re the one that’s forgetting. How can you stop thinking of someone when they were the only one there in your..