Joshua Orion Moore Rosenfeld

Joshua Orion Moore Rosenfeld


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About Me

I was born in Norton, Virginia to parents from different shades of upstate New York. My father from the city's shadow, my mother from the cowfields. New York is really just a condensation of the states that looks on New Jersey as Mexico.

I have one sister. She just finished copying an out of print love into a blank book freehand. This is her patience and her care, no nutshells. I've yet to see her like in another human. It would be nice to boast responsibility for her development, but I entertain enough lies.

And I am myself. I work for a public television station in a town that thinks itself a city. At the moment my talents seem to be moving towards the visual medium, but you know how seemings are.

Change is the only certainty. I try to live my life by this. It has been my joy and laughter in the darkest places. Tragedy is comedy for another day and laughter is the god of mortality. For the time being I like it here.

But who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Hail Eris.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

rather than hapharzadly send out read requests, i thought i would go directly to those who enjoyed my piece "sometimes when the earth is peace" and introduce them, not only to Chad, but to his newest work. he occasionally 'remixes' a piece that resonates with him, and that is what he did here with mine. I think it's just amazing, and I'd love if you checked it out:

Otherwise Empty My Springtime Soul
A Poem by Chad Wesley Allbrett

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Supposed* Oh then yeah everything your saying is completely correct I really appreciate your opinion

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Posted 18 Years Ago


loved your review.... thanks so much... :)



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Posted 18 Years Ago

well the structure of the argument has to be taken in ..with the rest of the story this is illa's rant of sorts is soppused to give the feeling that she is slightly off kilter but in her own way very intelligent

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for you review I found it helpful and very insightful

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Posted 18 Years Ago

thank you for the kind review. much appreciated.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

thank you for your review.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

thank you so much for your kind words. i'm glad you liked it

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Posted 18 Years Ago

i deeply appreciate your heart-felt and thoughtful review of 'place of worship'. sometimes we need our little fix, even if only through the written word. i'm glad it reached you.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind review. It is amazing how we humans long for what is not, or could never be. Just another facet of the human condition I think.

God Bless