Anna Auel : Writing

ENGLISH 457: Literature and the Sexes

ENGLISH 457: Literature and the Sexes

A Poem by Anna Auel

a fictional woman commits adultery. “The Storm.” A short story. By Kate Chopin. Admirable, this woman--they say, these stick woman in ..
wearing a heart on your wells fargo sleeve

wearing a heart on your wells fargo sleeve

A Poem by Anna Auel

fall into the well�"like a fairytale trying to find constellations buried in the earth upside downCalliope and Orion shake their heads..
Grazie, it means

Grazie, it means

A Poem by Anna Auel

It is Friday. pasta and wine for lunch (which is always too short) what we love never lasts long enough I had gelato in rome that tasted like..
Steam Therapy

Steam Therapy

A Poem by Anna Auel

took a shower late one night�"washed the gore of the day down the drain along with the film of the newborn rabbit, skin so thin and gr..
Lifeguarding Isn't For Dummies

Lifeguarding Isn't For Dummies

A Poem by Anna Auel

Hit my teeth on the edge of the beer bottle the awkward knocking knocks me back-- pulls my guts like taffy (from the neck) stretched from my mouth..
in medias res is where you found me

in medias res is where you found me

A Poem by Anna Auel

10 am in the workplace: Mechanical arms and legs do the work without a brain"busy turning its own wheels"they run on levers endlessly grindin..


A Poem by Anna Auel

I walkedfor days across the same hundred foot stretch of asphalt and gloomy grass. The current of my thoughts..


A Poem by Anna Auel

The day you left my door�" Is also the day I died. Rain accompanying the sound Of your steps�"growing Softer. ..
Un Chien

Un Chien

A Poem by Anna Auel

poem inspired by the short film "Un Chien Andalou"
the instruction book caught fire in apt. 602

the instruction book caught fire in apt. 602

A Poem by Anna Auel

I believed once. Religion and Sprituality twin anchors around my neck I wanted to believe, wanted to be anchored to that biblical ..