Anchored. It's been-too long that these rusty chainshave contained me inside this insanity,running in circles, running through foot-hills,running afte..
Partly inspired from an assignment.
And a piece of the sky came crashing down on chicken little.
Every good farmer knows,
that when saplings sprout, there comes a point
where gravity takes a toll, and top-heavy
trees bow low to the ground befor..
Guns Up!BANG.
Frightened gazelle could not have lept up faster;
Better than a derby race, I watched the faces,
of ones who always kid around, chann..
Cool concrete, white and grey
contrasts the sun' tired fade, to separate
Peach and gold, subtle, with the green, bold.
Fresh, wet packed earth, cle..
inescapable- the image, in the real life scene-
I stare, at him, and he does not feel.
But in my dreams- Oh what dreams! He
and I are different bei..
Imperfect mold, heart of gold-
the epitome of internal perfection hidden in display,
look deeper into the glass windows of dreamy soul
to find the ..