Ookpik : Writing



A Poem by Ookpik

Written Thurs Oct 25th and for a family friend.


A Poem by Ookpik

A creative assignment attempting to bridge the gap between the western tradition and post-colonial, indigenous literature prevalent on Canadian booksh..


A Poem by Ookpik



A Poem by Ookpik

You cannot love those whom you cannot feel -Those whom you cannot touch and breathe in,Understand, affirm and console.It is the nature of the deepest ..


A Poem by Ookpik



A Poem by Ookpik



A Poem by Ookpik

Why is it so familiar?Why is this feeling a force fed reminderThat I've somehow been, done or seen this before?Can déjà vu be this perpe..
An Ode to an Incomplete Love Affair

An Ode to an Incomplete Love Affair

A Poem by Ookpik



A Poem by Ookpik

(Written post Valentines, and for no one in particular)...Dearly Beloved,Tell me again,How you have grown to love a broken man;How tracing scars both ..


A Poem by Ookpik

(needs an edit)