It took a few minutes to actually get to the island. I guess it was because it was so far away. It was like walking through a tunnel although no one ..
Yes! Today we were finally going to play paintball. I had finaly figured out who was gonna be my first target. James. He hadn't done his chore so he ..
Love who you are,
And love who you'll be,
'Cause I need to see,
If I'll love you to.
For I want to.
With your green eyes,
That are so intense.
Your this Beautiful creature,
A rare piece of art,
Something that fufills the mind,
With just a simple glance.
An unduplicated smile that captures..
You've been here all along,
You've made me strong.
We'vebeen through thick and thin,
We'll always win.
Whenyour by my side,
Our souls collide.
Rise like the Sun,
Shine like the Moon,
Think like the Stars,
And go up in bloom,
Only at Night,
But still like the Moon.
Shine bright,
And fly..