Sweet IronySuch sweet irony;That when blackness surroundsI see your face the clearest.But it is not just your face I seeFor when I gaze into the perva..
Into UnknownEmbark, they cried,Let not fear nor false promisesInhibit your lust for freedom.Let us cast off our shacklesAt the expense of whomever;For..
Nineteen YearsThis will always be homeWhere the trees loom and the long grassTickles your legs in the summer time.This is where the birds sing and the..
In The Green and GlowIn the green and glow of summerFew places match my ownThe bluebells dance in an idle breezeSun beats upon the stoneThe birds they..
Depart, Beat OnIt never unfolds how you envisageNot reallyAn ideal departure leaves both parties satisfiedAnd not this lingering unfulfillment.Does sh..
The Faraway What I saw was radiant beautyOf smooth and perfect golden sandsThat colour would change in times of sunsetTo a humble pink, almost too ash..
The GlowYou once saw a glow And your eyes would yearn for it As you entered any room.It was a soft glow-Not harsh or blinding It held a comforting fam..