I relived the memory in my head as I did every night...I laid defenseless on the street across from her, blood soaking my shirt. I watched as he withd..
I show my love not through words spoken by the voice,but words written on paper. Forgive me please, if I may not speak what I feel,but understand this..
I Love You. It's such a strong sentence.Once you say it, it's either a new beginning, or the end of the world.I don't know which it is for me. I'm not..
Pressure.I feel pressured when I'm around you.I don't know why, because your one of the people I can be myself the most around. But I feel so pressure..
You smile, you laugh. Your eyes twinkle with joy. You say your life is perfect, and that nothing can go wrong. No one's ever seen you cry, nor do you ..
Where I'm FromI'm from roses laid on graves, of those who we love whose lives were taken away. From silver sharp knives being used the wrong way. I'm ..
I titled the poem Afraid because my greatest fear, a fear we might all share..is to be alone..
I got the Title idea from my friend & the poem idea from editing the photo I put as the poem picture .. It kind of sucks but whatever ..
This is more of a short story vs. being a poem. It's kind of really confusing.