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Olive K King

Olive K King


Who got the patents on the Magic 8 Ball? Reply hazy, try again

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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I just graduated from law school and am trying to get back into writing since it took a hiatus during school.

I'm writing under a pen name because the stiffs in my profession might hold writing fantasy and romance against me :)

My pen name is Olive K King, but I'm open to suggestions on it because I just picked it.

I write urban fantasy. I love all things time travel and alternate realities. I drink massive amounts of coffee (what writer doesn't?), am really short (I don't think that's related to the coffee), and wear a lot of red and heels.

I love to travel and see really old sites. I've seen more of Europe than the US, and I've never been to Asia but it's on my list.