Earth O my Earth and supposed foster-mothermost of your children are dying in poverty;cyclones and hurricanes, rise at the same timetrade winds and mo..
My search of silence leads me to the dunesin the middle of a desert, by a night of full moonunder the sun of the day that gives birth to miragesor by ..
I recognize you in all weatherdry and rocky,wet and muddysanded, dustyor windswept.Your warmth is familiar to meand your color often changesacross bor..
My aquatic desire is a dewdrop,sliding without hitting,brushing against without hurting,disappearing without traceas breath of life that fades...My ac..
It is an island in the sun with multiple coloursthat haunts my memory and makes my heart crying ...Its sea is emerald, blue beryl and sapphire;its lan..
Some shoved keys
rumble and thunder in the night
strings suddenly awakened
echoed back
like rain falling sparingly ...
they address each other in..
Dance my daughter dance
take off my turtle dove
with heart full of hope
fly in a flurry of wings…
Sing my daughter sing
each dawn or d..
Earth sheltering forgotten Ancestors
land containing cords of newborns,
on which we have opened our eyes filled with wonder
and which supported o..
A capella, a blues, or a fado songs
a viola’s vibrations,
the laughter of a child echoing in the silence,
a teal bird which dances,
the fain..
Under the Earth light,
I looked for the light
by narrow paths
which led me to you.
I walked along the rivers,
spanned many holes
then crossed th..