I was too young, when they came.
Seeing disaster, feeling pain.
Helplessly watching, she's dragged out of sight.
Looking back, it's what made me..
Two firemen ride in an ambulance. One is seriously injured and the other one is there to comfort him.
You walk down the street, couldn't care less,
Through the gate, kneel where they rest.
Feeling the marble, soft to the touch,
They know you miss..
She knows the moment well,
She's played it over in her head,
Broken by sounds she can't repel,
Her heart's as heavy as lead.
She slowly look..
6 elite warriors are asked to stay behind and delay the enemy in order for their king to escape across the border.
Our friendship is a wood house,
Jealousy has come to town.
Sneaking and scurrying like a mouse,
It threatens the house to go down.
It was the reas..
A boy writes a letter about how he wants his own long term friendship with another girl to become more than that. To become more than just friends.
Describes how I feel in one sentence
Two soldiers reminisce about their past while on the plane ride to their next mission.