Inside. That's where it all began.You dragged me through it all.Criss-crossing hazards lying away,You gave me the right to call.Now the stars shiver a..
Infinite Meanings, use your own...perspective
Much thought
It's all just like a pile of sand,
The way we act, to what we say,
It's known all over the land,
And occurs between night and day.
You divulge you..
That special warm feeling, I sense it in your presence,That midnight light, the moon filled with many crescents.Your soft eyes, invincible to the illu..
Short and direct.
You're like a failed experiment,
Everything you do is wrong,
You're like steel missing flint,
And you really don't belong.
You think you're right,..
It's all so different,
Everything we ever did,
Nothing compares to you,
We've been friends since we were kids.
You had an incredible impact on..
Is the end close? Or too close?