Thy fingers gently caressing my keys 7Fill me with an urge to immortalizeThose hidden thoughts, that only words release.My face glows as they material..
Based on an actual working incident.
PEACE ON OUR TERMSYes, we can live in peace, as long as I am in control.You mediate, but can only hear your conscienceThat's the voice of your God.You..
Waves frothed over the shingle, the liquid hiss creating a counterpoint with the percussive chatter of the stones as the water retreated to it's own e..
Untilnowhehadbeensoconfident.Itmusthavebeenthewaitingthathadmadehimawareofthebloatedsensationinhisdiaphragm.Wasitfear, anger,orjustthathehadn'teatenfo..
Time is..Past, Present, Future, Forever.We say it's of the essence - yet where's it's taste or smell?There are hands of Time, but never legsYet it mar..