A suspense/ literary style book. There will also be some chapters here that are not part of the story but include the same characters at different age..
This is something that comes before the rest of the novel, and is set before the rest of the novel. It is written in third person, unlike most of the ..
Chapter 1
I stare out of the window. Past the camel’s hump of the couch
side and the frosted slat of glass, Autumn is burning itself out, a ..
Chapter 2
I wake up alone, in a pale room that dances with silvered
autumnal sunlight. Jess is sat at the foot of the bed, and the cotton bedlinen..
Chapter 3
I started off with scraps of paper, writing fragments of
letters I’ll never send. Then the ink in my pen ran out, and I had to sat..
Chapter 7
I embrace the toilet, let my head rest on its porcelain
base, so all I can see is white blankness. I keep my breathing shallow, delicate..
Chapter 9
I buy it but don’t use it. It takes a five minute
relationship with a bin to make that decision, before I finally find a spot on
Chapter 12
Perhaps it is the guttural moaning of the wind at the windows that
wake me, the deadly screeching as the sky bleeds bullets of rain and..