


Whoa, I forgot I made this. hmm what else can I get into on here. Hehe~

That one little Hell Hole, IN
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About Me

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all about me!!
Created by cutiepie656 and taken 13701 times on Bzoink
name: Aiden
birthday: Uhm I kinda crawled out of an egg. Does that count?
zodiac sign: Sagittarius
where were you born: Uhm in a nest kind of.
where do you live now: Same place different nest.
height: 5'3"
hair color: At the moment it is black
eye color: Dark brown
tattoos: A few
piercings: 2 in my lip 3 in my ear 1 in both n*****s and 3 other genital piercings
color: Red,Black,Blue,Purple,Green,Orange
food: All of it. All of the food.
candy: Caramel and chocolate and sour things
movie: Hmm, im gonna say anything bloody and gory.
tv show: American Horror story at the moment
actor: Mmm Zachary Quinto
actress: I dont think i have one.
band or singer: Too many to pick just one.
song: Again too many
holiday: Every day is Halloween to me :3
month: All of them that dont have fucken Snow
season: Autumn
day of the week: Friday-Sunday
store: Uhm I dont know
restaurant: The chinese food place here in town
sport: I dont do sports
animal: Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
flower: Bleeding Hearts
*Have you ever....*
danced in the rain: No
tripped and had an embarassing fall: Every Day >.<
smoked: I do
got drunk: Yesh
done drugs: Its possible
gone skinny-dipping: Once I can remember
been in a car accident: No
been in love: I think I am.
met the president: God No!~
met a celebrity: Uhm Band members?
cried over a movie: Nope
shoplifted: Its possible
laughed so hard you cried: Yesh
cried for no reason at all: Yeah V.V
*The last.....*
thing you said: Stop Crying you little sack of baby flesh.
thing you ate: Candy :3
song you heard: A Penny for a Tale
movie you saw: I have no idea.
cd you bought: Not a clue.
book you read: uhm
phone call: Ordered a pizza
im: Justin
person you yelled at: My stupid little brother.
*This or That*
pepsi or coke: Cherry Pepsi
mcdonalds or burger king: Wendy's
chocolate or vanilla: Mint Chocolate chip
tv or movies: Tv
colored pencils or markers: Colored pencils
sun or moon: Neither one of them are very nice but the moon.
day or night: Night. The Light ~ it burns!
pants or shorts: Pants if i have to wear something
long sleeve or short sleeve: long sleeves again if i have to wear something
n'sync or backstreet boys: Uhm Blink-182
burgers or hot dogs: Tacos
rock or rap: Rock
aim or phone: uhm Skype?
romantic comedy or thriller: Can I have both with lots of blood?
waffles or pancakes: Waffles
peanut butter or jelly: Nutella
what color is your toothbrush: Green
do you believe in love at first sight: Uh No
have you ever wished upon a star: Once
what other language(s) do you speak: English, latin is a dead language but whatever and profanity.
if you dyed your hair what color would you dye it: I think I would want it Purple again.
if you could change your name what would you change it to: I wouldnt
what are the last 4 digits of your phone #: I dont have one
whats the weather like right now: A snowy frozen abyss
what instruments do you play (if you play any): None i have absolutely no musical ability
do you talk to yourself a lot: Yes I do
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Posted 11 Years Ago

what didnt like your new profile pic?

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I hope you have a wonderful day no matter what is going on~

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Posted 11 Years Ago

it causes noise
so yes it is

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Posted 11 Years Ago

you lied! you can play the skin flute as and instrument.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hey bro. Nice fill out on your about me thing.