Rosette Jewel

Rosette Jewel


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My mind is open. My heart is fenced. My spirit is free.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

thanks once again! U shouldn't close this account - it just takes time to build a "readership". Hell, I've been on this site for 5 yrs and I'm still not "popular" :(

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Posted 14 Years Ago

you're actually happy? what's wrong with you! :P Thanks for reading "Shadow-play" - I tried my best to snap you out of this whole happiness thing lol

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Posted 14 Years Ago

pleased you fancied "ash" - it is a little different than my other stuff - but sometimes, even I get tired of being me lol

Take care. and Happy New Year.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

mhmm i took those 2 lines from werewolf, cause they're my favorites. so i cheated a little lol
i was listening to it when i wrote that

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Ya, if u read the comments, there's a bunch of borderline fetishes, and I think "collar bone" type of gal would fall under that category lol I personally like a nice looking elbow lol

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Posted 14 Years Ago

So I take it ur not a Tits or A*s person? lol

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks for the reviews new friend!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Accept the things
To which fate binds you and
Love the people with whom fate
Brings you together
But do so with all your heart.
~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~

When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious
privilege it is to be alive-
to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~

Never esteem anything as of
advantage to you
that will make you break your word
or lose your self-respect.
~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~

Everything that happens
happens as it should,
and if you observe carefully,
you will find this to be so.
~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~

We ought to do good to others
as simply as a horse runs,
or a bee makes honey,
or a vine bears grapes
season after season
without thinking of the grapes
it has borne.
~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~

Never let the future disturb you.
You will meet it, if you have to,
with the same weapons of reason which
today arm you against the present.
~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~

Remember this --
very little is needed
to make a happy life.
~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~

Such as are your habitual thoughts,
such also will be the character
of your mind; for the soul
is dyed by the thoughts.
~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~

The happiness of your life
depends upon the quality of your thoughts:
therefore, guard accordingly,
and take care that you entertain no notions
unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.
~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~