delicatelydeceptive1434 : Writing

Chapter 1: Serina

Chapter 1: Serina

A Chapter by delicatelydeceptive1434

I slowly crept down the long, darkened, desolate alleyway. The only light came from a single tall lamp post looming near the top of the street. Its di..
Chapter 2: Lusion

Chapter 2: Lusion

A Chapter by delicatelydeceptive1434

I stood back to watch as I watched my delicate prize slowly begin to fade away. Her captivating eyes slowly close, allowing me to finally move from my..
Chapter 3: Serina

Chapter 3: Serina

A Chapter by delicatelydeceptive1434

With a sharp breath, my lungs began to burn, and my dark, stormy grey eyes shot open. Below me lay a cold, hard floor- presumably cement as still, col..