From Farhad to Princess Shirin
My Requiem
Under the moonlight,With the whispers ofA passing wind,I can hear you laughing,Hear you needless from meFar away from meWhat can I do to be loved more..
And your eyes,The desert of sole sincerity,The field for my solitude,The sea for my meditation,The beach for the ship ofMy awaitingSimple,Not sophisti..
Once, I wasA man of routineI could sit,with a bunch of booksAnd study and read for hoursI didn't need Music, Poetry and moviesThose days,I was followi..
To the Immortal Beloved
A tribute to Professor Maryam Mirzakhani
From Nima to dear Frederic
In the loving memory of Andy Williams and Audrey Hepburn:)
Sometimes I'm really scaredOf future, of my pastSometimes I don't knowTo cry or shout,So I writeSometimes I blame myselfFor not doing the perfect thin..