anika kamroski : Writing

Are you lucky

Are you lucky

A Poem by anika kamroski

It's a sad poem about my brother. He was tooken away around this season so I always think him most now and I just had to write this.
The Secret of the Sister

The Secret of the Sister

A Book by anika kamroski

The secrets that all come to get her after this girl is told her only sister died from a highly deadly disease. The girl isn't even able to see her ..
No stop

No stop

A Poem by anika kamroski

It seems like the world keps movingBut for me it has stoppedI don't know how to start againcaring can be hardwhy can't I keep that mask onso what if ..
I am done with our love

I am done with our love

A Poem by anika kamroski

I don't know why I ever think of you still but I do. Every time we got back to get her it's always the same. It's nice at first you always seemed to b..
The fighters

The fighters

A Book by anika kamroski

A 15 year old girl and her friends fight for their lives when they find themselves in a alien zoo.


A Chapter by anika kamroski

The year is 3050. In the year 2500 the world went into a huge war. Everyone was fighting over oil supplie. But then from the kayos came a group of sci..
The World of the Kingdoms

The World of the Kingdoms

A Book by anika kamroski

The year is 3050. The world was changed when we ran out of oil. A group of scientist came up with many solutions to all our issues. Now they are our k..