Night Of Nyx

Night Of Nyx


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Springfield, IL
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About Me

Name: Melissa Renee Selby
Age: 17
Religion: Wicca
Music: Music that's not a fad but lasts a lifetime
Interest: Music, drawing, painting, guitar, piano, singing, writing
Political views: Very liberal


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Posted 13 Years Ago

"Happy people see life as opportunity. Challenges are blessings in disguise. When we feel happy, our minds are open and expansive. Conversely, when we're open and expansive we feel happy. Happiness is an 'upward spiral,' as one researcher describes it. It makes us not only feel better but be better - better able to forge fulfilling relationships, find meaningful pursuits, and handle the vicissitudes of life. Happiness helps us stay healthy and whole no matter what the circumstances. Best of all, we can pass it on to those around us."

by Joan Duncan Oliver