Voice : Writing



A Poem by Voice

A pen in my hand, a paper in front, My mind lost and wandering in voids Voids in which agony dances with pleasure Voids in which the pain laughs an..
Love is Brain-Dead

Love is Brain-Dead

A Poem by Voice

By 'love', it means 'the feeling of love', not 'a person who is loved'.
Futile Memories

Futile Memories

A Poem by Voice

Back to your city, But what a pity! There is no "you" in your city.
Castle of Sand

Castle of Sand

A Poem by Voice

A castle of sand I made with my hand, Stands tall and high, But I ask myself why I wasted my precious time To commit this needless crime Of buil..
Just when...

Just when...

A Poem by Voice

Just when it looks like You're about to match The colors of Rubik's cube, And you're about to catch The long - awaited fish of desire, And you're..


A Poem by Voice

Living in a house of finite walls, We wait for the moment when infinity calls. And so we mistake some voices of love To be the call from eternal co..
Who am I?

Who am I?

A Poem by Voice

Who am I? Projection of a greater conscience or a soul under hallucinations The king of the logic or a slave of countless emotions The love of ..