I can summon all my rage,And conver it into words on a page,I can rip myself raw,Just to recount the horrors I saw,I see the good things I can do,If I..
This is how I feel.
Awesome, huh?
This may come across like I'm inlove with him or we are 'together', but we are not, he's only the 'love of my life' because he is my twin and my soft ..
Figurative, but it fits my life.
Very emo, depressing, please don't give me advice on getting professional help it's JUST A POEM and I don't cut myself
Just some thoughts I guess
My bestfriend. Sorry I treated her so badly.
Don't make comments on it's simplicity please, I was just thinking.
I wish I was invisible to everyone around,
They wouldn't know I was here 'cause I wouldn't make a sound.
I would slip through the hallways in school..