When they woke up the next day, Leona had some questions. “Why did you not tell me about The Cleanser before? How often have you spoken to him?&..
The year’s Tribulation did not begin until rather late in the evening. And they knew this from the very beginning. They were not able to make ca..
Mateo, Leona, and Prince Darko slipped out of the house quietly and headed for the street. Their phones were waiting for them on the steps. Danica had..
Mateo woke up almost naked on the beach somewhere. Leona was nowhere to be found, but there was a pile of clothes nearby. They weren’t his, but ..
Mateo tentatively pulled himself into the lifeboat, nearly tipping it over a few times. Okay, so this was supposed to be a recreation of Life of Pi. B..
Mateo started smacking his lips as they were heading towards Palace Glubbdubdrib. “Are you thirsty?” he asked.“No, my name is Richar..
“So, you killed him.”“I don’t know that I would look at it that way. I was responsible for his death.”“No,” ..
Darko threaded them through a couple of commercial aircraft all the way back to Kansas where they spent most of the day catching up with their family...
Mateo could not open his eyes, despite knowing that he had to in order to survive. A great roar came from under his a*s and vibrated his entire body. ..
They slept the rest of the day away, but were still tired come midnight. Just after jumping into the future, Makarion aggressively woke them up. &ldqu..