Charles J. Carmody : Writing

Tease Mawray - The stuff dreams are made of - Burt's world

Tease Mawray - The stuff dreams are made of - Burt..

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

Reminiscing, memories, two cops, a boat ride
Tease Mawray - Dinner for two...

Tease Mawray - Dinner for two...

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

A greet and meet, the things memories are made of...
Pints, bars, the lates

Pints, bars, the lates

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

Simple kindness
Tease Mawray - Three Kings

Tease Mawray - Three Kings

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

Death of a friend, fall leaves, finding the right deal
Tease Mawray - Engineers notes, a simple thing.

Tease Mawray - Engineers notes, a simple thing.

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

An engineering project needing imagination
Tease Mawray - You Must Be Special

Tease Mawray - You Must Be Special

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

A simple story, about a rare story, with rarity in mind.
Tease Mawray - The Dance

Tease Mawray - The Dance

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

Simple ramblings in search of a true subject of interest
Tease Mawray - Not Often

Tease Mawray - Not Often

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

Thoughts, what ifs, just the other day, feeling lonely
Tease Mawray - The Red Mamba

Tease Mawray - The Red Mamba

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

Deadly encounter
Tease Mawray - Alcohol

Tease Mawray - Alcohol

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

Things I hear, things I don't

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