Running everywhere, I am free from care. I am no longer needed, So you toss me aside. You find someone new, You tell them that you love them. I am in..
Here I am, Standing in the background. Staying invisible, No one sees me. They walk by me, They don't notice. Here I am, Dying. I am vanishing, Gone...
What am I? I am the one who stays in the back. I am hidden from the world. No one cares to look, no one cares to search. Am I worthless? I am, I can't..
You said you loved me, You gave me false hope. I loved you, You tore me down. Here I lay, Brokenhearted. You stopped loving me, I never stopped. You..
I have to fight it, This jealousy... I can't stand seeing another guy touch you, Trying to flirt with you. I want to walk over, Wrap my arm around yo..
You have gone through tough times, You have been hurt. You have watched some terrible things, I want you to know that you are an amazing person. You ..
I run after you, I run after the dream of happiness. But keep missing, Missing by so much. I've been ignored, Tossed aside. Now you too? When will I ..
Racked with guilt, I shudder with pain. I feel the icy wind, Chilling my back. I cry tears of glass, But I'm alone. The forest of my heart, It moans ..
Week after week, You still won't speak. You won't even laugh or cry, As you walk on by. You lock in your emotions, You fake perfection. You won't let..
"Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf! He turned the sea into dryland, they passed through the waters on foot; come, ..