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About Me

Hi, I'm Forrest.
Forrest Gump.


About me� see, what had happened was�

My mommy met my daddy and they got their coins together to make a call to the stork. Well, the stork that carried me was a little dizzy. (>@.@< Dizzy bird!) He dropped me a few times along the way, mostly on meh head, �cause you know, there�s not much important stuff in that thing. Just a few random ideas scurrying around and running into each other, getting tangled up until they make no sense to anyone except their designer/mommy/God.

Actually, when I was a baby, I�m willing to bet my thoughts consisted of� �I are has to poop� whoops, no more!�, �The Great Milk Giver looks very scary. I wish she would get it out of meh face.�, �Why are they taking pictures of me in the bath tub?�, �That cat food sure looks good��

Now, let�s skip down the yellow brick road a little further (don�t you eat that candy off the ground. I mean it. That�s mine!) I�m sixteen years old as of April 28th, 2009!! I�ve matured physically, but mentally� I�m still having some variation of those Baby-thoughts. Except I don�t eat cat food. Really. Honestly. I don�t like how you are questioning my honesty�

There�s really nothing that special about me except my ability to stay quiet for long periods of time in a group of my peers. I like to call that �shyness� and �thereasonIhavenofriendsinreallife�. But other than that� my mind is a clone of a dozen or so other teenage minds bent on World Domination with the competence of Pinky and the failure of The Brain.

I'm just a bundle of giggles and odd smiles, but there's something more keeping it all together: a thread you'll never be able to touch because you'll break it and unravel my world.

And... that's about it. You'll have to delve deeper into my lair if you've a wish to find out more about me. Please take off your shoes and leave the rest of your clothes on.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

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May the New Year come with all that the life has in store for you -
Joy, happiness, success and prosperity

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thoughts and memories of you when Christmas time is here
Bring an extra brightness to this season of the year -
For love is what adds so much joy to Christmas time, its true,
And, always, theres a lot of love en every thought of you.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

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Posted 15 Years Ago