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About Me

Hey, my name is (not really) Nephil. I use aliaseseses.

I write a lot, so here's what I have. I do fantasy, horror, sci-fi, and combinations of the three. I also mix in drama, but that's not a genre, that's something necessary for having characters.

I need reviews. I don't get nearly as many as I'd like, so I enter contests to try to stir some up, and I win a few. So yeah, please, NO FRIEND REQUESTS WITHOUT AT LEAST ONE REVIEW BEFORE HAND! Thanks.

Read ahead only if you want my opinion.

I hate Myspace and web-logging. Read "Death of a Person" if you disagree. I also hate the newspeak Internet language. EDIT: I broke down and got a facebook. I use it to talk to people in complete sentences and I have some writing on there.

Trent Reznor, James Maynard Keenan, Emily Haines, Dani Filth, Serj Tankian, Liv Kristine
Emilie Autumn, Rasputina, Ego Likeness, Vitamin String Quartet, Daron Malakian, Korn, Dimmu Borgir, Damon Albarn, Voltaire, Koji Kondo, Nobuo Uematsu, Switchblade Symphony, Insane Clown Posse, Korn, Rammstein, Jack Off Jill, Marilyn Manson (sometimes), Rob Zombie, Muse, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and the Queens of the Stone Age song "Mosquito Song, " but that's it by them.

My favorite CD is "The Fragile" by Nine Inch Nails.
My favorite instrument is the violin (viola and cello too).
I like orchestral or "epic" sounding music, including classical and metal. I also like industrial music.

I avoid the emo, 99.5% of rap, whine-rock (you know, like Creed) and of course country. They make my little ears pour streams of warm blood.

For games I prefer Nintendo: Mario Party, Zelda, Metroid Prime, BRAWL, the whole deal. On the Playstation, I love Silent Hill more than Resident Evil, but RE is still fun sometimes. Soul Calibur and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night as well... I'll do Final Fantasy IX, and VII (but I think VII is a sell-out. Get over it, Sephiroth. Kuja had way more personality.) (and I, II, III) but not VIII. And I also really like Shadow of the Colossus. ...and Oddworld, old PSX Oddworld.

I think Halo can suck it. It's watered down Unreal Tournament for insipid sex-box junkies. (the Mountain Dew on the other hand...)
But I love UT2004.

Good: Magic: The Gathering book series... Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas... ... The works of Jhonen Vasquez.
In the middle: I don't know what to think of Harry Potter. I started young, so I followed for the sake of completion, but the ending was so awful...
Bad: Era-f*****g-gon.
Good: Serial Experiments Lain, Evangelion, Elfen Lied, Texhnolyze, Cowboy Bebop, With Hunter Robin, Haibane Renmei, Fooly Cooly, Ergo Proxy.
Bad: F**k Naruto. F**k it up its stupid a*s. I'm not even going to get into why. Bleach, and everything else shonen-jump sucks, 'cept Deathnote.

Movies: Fight Club, Star Wars, The Cell, Silent Hill, Zeitgeist. Donnie Darko, Lord of the Rings, Alien, Yeah, Alien. Sweeney Todd, Nightmare Before Christmas, Moulin Rouge, Rocky Horror, Resident Evil, The Machinist, The Pianist, Pan's Labyrinth, Cloverfield, Serenity, The Fifth Element, Mirrormask.

Religion: I do NOT believe in GOD. I need to see it, to feel it, to touch it to believe it. Call me faithless. I also believe in Evolution. And everyone knows that Jesus is a rip-off of a rip-off of a rip-off of the Egyptian Horus who is just the f****n' sun. Look it up. But then you get into Horus' virgin birth deal and you wonder about Osiris who could blow the whole immaculate conception theory, and...

I'm a cat person. I own a BJD. I express myself through writing. I try to be logical. The things I like, I like a lot. I am introspective. I am regrettably mean sometimes. I think I'm funny. I want to conquer the world.

In Brawl I'm Toon Link, Ganondorf, Wario, and King Dedede. In all other things Mario, I'm Wario. Soul Calibur I do Nightmare, Talim, and Astaroth.

MTG decks: Standard: Mono-Black Rogue, Blue-White Merfolk, Esper, Quillspike, Oona
Extended: Zombies, Angels, Squirrels y Slivers. Orzhov + Golgari = Golzhov.
All decks 100% mine. No net-decking!

Look at me still talking when there's science to do...

Ghost Chicken


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Posted 4 Years Ago

I foooooooooooound yoooooooooooou! XD

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for the review. I really haven't been on here much.. mind invasion= cut off. But- I know, though (about religion). Also: Is there any other species alive as obsessed with its own image as humans are? Praise be XD

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Aye I have returned...sorta! I haven't been adding anything new..grrr. I plan on reading your "Vandicta" though. Hopefully tomorrow. Hope your holidays were good too.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

In response to the photo comment: I have the suit in my room. It would probably have been more proper for me to wear it as I was so horribly wasted, but oh well. My crazy hand was in the corner XD

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh, PS:
I did refuse to say apple, but no one knows if it was an apple anyway. For all we know, if this did indeed happen it could have been a banana. Malum is latin for evil, but also means apple. Thus, the origin of the apple. I like bananas more though. They have more personality.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey! Thanks for reading my "Lust for Serpents" and leaving a review, although it did bring back some horrible memories, what with Cradle of Filth and all, but that certain b*****d has paid the price for messing with me. No idea what I'm talking about? That's expected. Anyways, I came here to say I'll be reading your, well all your short stories hopefully tonight, but as of now I'm supposed to be doing school s**t. Also, I added more to "Lust for Serpents," and if you're bored you're welcome to stop by. It's only 50% complete roughdraft wise, oh well.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for the review of my messy kitchen. Per your advice, I changed the secong 'sight'. I didn't like it much either, but when I wrote it I was about to puke due to the mess. I did clean, though hours later.
Yes, I do declare Death Note is overrated!
Also, I'm reading part 3 of Echt sometime this evening.
PS; When you said Era-f*****g-gon I cracked up. I've never read it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I just realized you haven't had a comment in about two months. and that comment mentioned was by you.

This is just no good, no good at all.
So i came by to leave you one.

bye bye

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I know I haven't done much on here, but I'm still alive and writing, I've just got college and some moving stuff to work on. I will still read things and stay in touch with you guys, but I'm kind of busy.

Though I am working on something sci-fi...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi there,
I'm glad to see you accepted the friend request, and much thanks for the review on The Rabbit On The Moon. Feel free to drop by my page anytime; I'll be dropping by yours as soon as I'm done with finals,
