starfast : Writing

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by starfast

Dallas followed the others into Tristan’s office. The other young man had taken Tristan’s leather chair, leaving the two wooden chairs fo..
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by starfast

As it turned out, Ara had gotten back to them fairly quickly about the next meeting. He had told Dallas that they would be meeting at Ara’s hou..
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by starfast

Tristan dropped Dallas off at his house shortly after. He felt bad about leaving everyone else, but he didn’t want to have to explain to his mot..
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Chapter by starfast

“So what exactly is going on,” Dallas asked as Ara pulled into the visitor parking space at Andor’s apartment building. “I&rs..
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

A Chapter by starfast

A plan had been thought out by the time the evening rolled around. It was Tristan who suggested that Dallas should pretend to be Andor’s cousin..
Chapter 13

Chapter 13

A Chapter by starfast

Ara dropped Dallas at the top of his street. “It’s probably better this way,” Ara explained when he pulled over. “You’l..


A Book by starfast

When Dallas discovers that he has telepathic abilities, his life gets turned upside down. He's promised that help will come, but there are also people..
The Time Traveller's Mission

The Time Traveller's Mission

A Story by starfast

"I realized that I had the ability to make someone's life better. And that was what I was going to do. Or try to do anyways."
The Captain's Orders

The Captain's Orders

A Story by starfast

A boy is told that one day he will have to kill people whether he wants to or not


A Book by starfast

Prologue for the currently unnamed novel that I'm trying to write. Takes place in a fantasy setting.