A Story by Nene
Belgravia London, England, 1895
I have awoken to death.
This was my first thought upon opening my eyes. The emptiness of my surroundings pre..
A Poem by Nene
Interpret this one however you like :) Just know that the end is hopeful, because I'm an optimistic person.
A Story by Nene
This is a true story of a dream I had.
A Poem by Nene
This is a poem about perfectionism. No, I'm not depressed, not in the slightest. Just rather...pressured. Anyway, enjoy.
A Book by Nene
This is a science fiction novel I'm writing. It's primarily directed at kids my own age- fifteen- but I hope some adults will read it, too. Please lea..
A Chapter by Nene
I never wanted this to happen.
It was an accident, all of it. I blame myself for ever having the curiosity to uproot my life and break ..
A Chapter by Nene
Here's my next full chapter. Enjoy it!
A Chapter by Nene
It was very early whenI woke up, and not without cause.I wanted to find out more about this mysterious Talisani.I was going to find and capture him. T..
A Chapter by Nene
Pala didn't ask questions when I showed up, five days in advance, smuggling her right under Don's nose. That was fortunate for both of us, because I h..