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Sierra Vista, AZ
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I'm amazing, at what is for you to find out ^.^


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for your review :)
I am glad you liked it... even though it IS super long. I could have broken it up into chapters, but there would have only been 5 of them... and that seemed like kinda a waste, ya know? the whole point of a lil romantic thing is to keep it as on the main characters as possible. It can be hard when your brain goes all out on different tangents though. As it is, I felt like I was rambling at some points, going back and forth between present and past constantly.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

It wasn't meant to be dirty :P... but it came out that way...

I am wondering where I can get a 15ft string and a pole... I wonder if he would actually use it... he and I have been playing fetch for like an hour now... :P

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Posted 14 Years Ago

haha wow why so dirty goodness

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I know what you're amazing at :P lol well.. depending on what kind of amazing youre talking about anyway...