Naomi Wicks

Naomi Wicks


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Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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About Me

I'm a former laboratory technician and full-time daydreamer. I channel myself into novels, which I hope will be published one day. No one inspired or encouraged me to write novels. No one else I knew was doing it . . . somehow I was born knowing that's what I wanted to do. When I was a child I didn't weigh my chances against talent or oppositions, I just assumed I had what it takes because of my inner calling. Now I'm an adult, with responsibilities and children and still trying to pursue my dream: to tell stories and entertain people. I hope this community will support me as I tackle this brutal industry!!


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Posted 5 Years Ago

I'd like to stress again, I don't accept reading requests for poetry. It's just not my thing! XD

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Posted 6 Years Ago

I'm not very good at poetry, either writing it or understanding it. So I'm not the best person to look at poems! I'm definitely more of a novelist and book reader!