Levi Levin

Levi Levin


Just a simple writer.

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Which Poet are you?
Your Result: Robert Frost
All life matters. Its flow and nature is significant. Capturing the moment provides immeasurable insight. Speculation=Beauty. You look deeply into others. All is seen as bonded to you.
Emily Dickinson
Walt Whitman
Sylvia Plath
William Carlos Williams

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Posted 3 Months Ago

Hey! Robert Frost, is my favorite poet.

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Posted 3 Months Ago

Levi Levin, I know I can come here for encouragement and a laugh or two. I'm honored to be your friend. Have a happy, Holy celebration of our Savior's birth and a bright New Year @2025! luv G.

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Posted 3 Months Ago

I know sometimes the holidays can be discouraging and depressing and some people are all alone. If you are that way today and need someone to talk to, I’m just a call away and happy to listen and encourage you. Feel free to contact me. Better days are coming!

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Posted 3 Months Ago

Happy Thanksgiving today to all of my Writers Cafe friends!

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Posted 4 Years Ago

Thank you Dave and Allie. Two great friends!

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Posted 5 Years Ago

I'd like to be there....on that other side. Gazing at the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. It sounds nice. Sorry, I don't remember if we have talked before or not. I just saw your post and wanted to comment on it.

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Posted 5 Years Ago

Levi - I just positively responded to your friend request. I think it should be mutually interesting. I see you are an historian and do research. I am a retired teacher. The last 25 years of my 45 year teaching career I taught American History and reading. The reading material was usually related to the history material we were studying.
Hope to hear from you - Dave

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Posted 6 Years Ago

I'm trying out a new page counter/statistics...Feedjit went out of business. If you got something better to recommend, let me know--Thanks!

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Posted 7 Years Ago

I have tons more of my writing to republish. If I can only get it all gathered together. I really like Scrivener so much better than MS Word. I highly recommend it.

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Posted 7 Years Ago

It's been very rainy lately. I'm hoping for a dry spell to get a few things planted and to get some posts set in the ground. I got some Welsummer and Jungle Fowl chicks the other day. I've never raised those breeds. I'm looking forward to seeing how they do on the farm.