Nathan the Sane : Writing

The Dwarfen Crown

The Dwarfen Crown

A Book by Nathan the Sane

Humans, Dwarfs and other races live alongside whether they like it on not. There are those who wish to overturn the fragile balance in the world, and ..
The Voice of the Mountain

The Voice of the Mountain

A Chapter by Nathan the Sane

The Dwarfen Crown - Chapter I


A Poem by Nathan the Sane

After the Yahrzeit of a family friend, I walked through the graveyard and saw how each tombstone looked different. But when I exited, they all looked ..
A Black Blur

A Black Blur

A Poem by Nathan the Sane

We were the first to arrive at my uncle's funeral. More and more friends and family members arived, sheilding our eyes from the graveyard around.
The Messenger

The Messenger

A Story by Nathan the Sane

A short story for school work, asking to paint a scenario and add a twist ending.
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A Poem by Nathan the Sane

A few hours ago, I found out that my uncle died. I feel nothing. Not denial. Not grief. Just words of a song, For I am too weak for real emotions..
Not in My Name

Not in My Name

A Poem by Nathan the Sane

"Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked."(Exodus 23:7)


A Story by Nathan the Sane

A murder has been commited in a local shopping mall, and police forces have set a barracade at the exits, hoping to catch the culprit.


A Poem by Nathan the Sane

A free writing project in school
Circus Dog

Circus Dog

A Poem by Nathan the Sane

I have high hopes for my future (at least I had). My sister's are higher.

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