This is a story about a Daughter who looses her mom, becomes a mom herself and suffers a tradgic fate, and overcomes all the obstacles on her way to b..
A Mother’s Tragedy
Brittany tried to eat, but with her first bite she realized that it wasn’t her Mom’s cooking. She didn’t say much to anyone. She spo..
Two days later was Brittany’s custody hearing. The judge really wasn’t sure where to put Brittany, whether to let her stay with her grandp..
At Lilly’s two o’clock feeding, Brittany looked in on James, he wasn’t moving. Brittany put Lilly back into her crib and picked up J..
One night when Brittany came home after meeting Kalvin, Lilly woke up crying. Brittany, of course, was drunk and high as usual. She went to the nurser..
Brittany was taken to the local prison. The next day, when the Johnson’s returned home, they found their house full of police. The wanted to kno..
The next day Brittany woke up and walked around in a kind of trance. It was as if she wasn’t all there. She received funny looks from the other ..
The judge had seen enough evidence she was better and released Brittany three years early.The judge did require her to attend a rehab center for six w..
Jeremie fell for Brittany almost immediately. He didn’t know about her past, but when he found out he didn’t care. Brittany liked Jeremie,..