


~These are the seasons of emotion, and like the winds, they rise and fall. (Led Zeppelin) ~

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About Me

If you're a dreamer, come in
If you're a dreamer, a wisher, a liar
A hope er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer,
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!
--Shel silverstein

Thought I'll update the about me:

Hi, I'm 25 years old and currently preparing for my postgrad. I'm done with med school and wish to be a psychiatrist. But I've recently discovered that outside of listening to Mahler and complimenting people's defence mechanisms, it requires a fair amount of studying too, which is why I hardly get any time to write nowadays. I mostly just write poetry because it's more concise and easier to edit.

I joined WC when i was 13 years old so i have actually spent half my life on here lol. WC is my writing home. It is by far the best writing site available on the internet.

I would advice you to review one of my writes before sending me a friend request. This site works on mutual critique, and I would like if your reviews are constructive. I generally do point out typos and small grammatical errors. And I would not mind if you do the same. I love constructive reviews so if there is any way you think the poem can be better, please let me know. I wouldn't mind if you're slighly harsh about it either.


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Posted 5 Years Ago

Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out! I miss this site terribly. But the situation in my country is such that the internet services have been suspended temporarily, and new connections are extremely difficult to get. I am sorry for having been away for so long, and for not being able to review all the beautiful writers and poets on here!

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Posted 5 Years Ago

Wishing you such a beautiful autumn... we are missing you here, which makes it feel like winter...

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Posted 6 Years Ago

I won't be online on here for a few months. If you wish to review any poem, review the latest 2-3 only(Please don't review the ones I have specifically added to the Donot Review book😕) I don't get much time to review back nowadays, but I'll try my best to return each review when I come back. If you feel that I gave you a good review, show your gratidude by giving an in-depth review on a new poem, rather than the old ones on here. I am not editing them anymore, and reviews on them won't be of any use.
I know that many writers don't take criticism too well on here (due to which even I have stopped being too critical in my reviews), but I always welcome any ideas for improvement that you might have. I won't mind if you review the new poems twice or thrice, but steer away from the old ones please.
I am sorry if I haven't reviewed you in return yet, I would do so when I come back (or if I ever find time in these months)...
With love❤

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Posted 6 Years Ago

Just reading your About Me and it seems to be a fresh glimpse of your moonlit glory. Well, if not, forgive my lateness in reading about you. So glad you still fill our skies with your light here. This owl is more than pleased. :)

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Posted 6 Years Ago

what’s your name moon?


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Posted 7 Years Ago

hey Moonie! I went through all your poetry and could find not one that i had not thinks its time for you to post again ;)) Merry Christmas dear friend

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Posted 7 Years Ago

I love you too, Sagacious day dreamer ♥♥♥

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Posted 7 Years Ago

I love you💛🔮

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Posted 7 Years Ago

You are still one of my favourite people over here💙 so beautiful

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Posted 8 Years Ago

You have a new fan and groupie.