About MeI'm nineteen and I could never stand the thought of having a "normal job." I guess I'm a little too erratic for that sort of thing. I watch too much t.v, read too many books, and listen to unhealthy amounts of music. I'm beyond stubborn. I wallow in my opinions and philosophies and rarely surface from them. (Hence the pig-headed nature of my stubborness.) And the only thing I love more than t.v., music, and books is writing (and maybe singing but, well, I'm awful). And if I knew how to sew I'd probably try out for Project Runway but that's another story . . .
I'm Tomorrow I Will Have No Shame at myspace.com/sheerperfection (And for those of you curious, the picture of Sasuke up there I got from Animay.net. I wish i had that kind of artistic talent. Like I said I watch way too much t.v. and Naruto is one of my favorites.) |