N.Sevilla : Writing

The Summer of Pine Cone Ale

The Summer of Pine Cone Ale

A Poem by N.Sevilla

The summer when we were young
Emily II

Emily II

A Poem by N.Sevilla

How the narrator became a poet without a choice


A Poem by N.Sevilla

How the narrator discovered that our body was our soul
At the Wedding of My Love

At the Wedding of My Love

A Poem by N.Sevilla

A woman attending her lover's wedding
Welcome to the World

Welcome to the World

A Poem by N.Sevilla

about the world we live in


A Poem by N.Sevilla

A poem about Wales


A Poem by N.Sevilla

A poem inspired by 12 Days
At the Market Place

At the Market Place

A Poem by N.Sevilla

Stumbling upon your first love, years later.
Blue is the Warmest Color

Blue is the Warmest Color

A Poem by N.Sevilla

Pale blue lips Like those secret winter days When the frost on the windows Melted under my breath. I would wait for you, Wrapped up in ..
In Between

In Between

A Poem by N.Sevilla

To come from two different worlds that cannot be put together.