About Me
I have been writing since I was about 10. I began writing to express the agony inside of me as I was a victim of child abuse and neglect. No one seemed to truly understand why I was the way I was and even though we live in the USA, back in the 70's Child Abuse wasn't really readily reported and it is the reason my physical body is shattered now.
I don't let it get to me and I firmly believe that just because you might have been a victim of it, you DO NOT have to be a Victimizer. . . Bottom Line!
I write about personal things from an objective view so it's easy for others to read my poetry and writings and feel like I'm writing about their life or I possess the ability to see their life, but no, I'm not omnipotent.
I am a 38 year married father of 3 (2 12 year olds and 1 19 year old) and I am still aspiring to be a published author. I even flirt with the idea that I might (MIGHT) be good enough to be the Poet Laureate of Maryland. I can dream can't I?
Well read my writings and you be the judge. . . can you judge honestly? Can any of us? We'll see. . .