Someone like you is bound to return,on a billboard in the sky,the "about the author" section in a prize winning novel, and in the smiles that follo..
Expressing my frustrations!
It’s been a
long, long run,
With too
many twists and turns,
Too many gun
Too many
stern looks.
But it’s
over n..
Frustration comes colored in green, with little black mirrors reflecting my failed dedications.It comes in in Indian accents, constantly lecturing abo..
A "Slam Poetry" exercise from my poetry class.
notice a pattern yet?
not to be taken seriously :)
I Believe in Belief
I believe in peace,
knowing that it’s
the climate of freedom.
I believe in my
because they gav..
it's happening again, i can feel it.
to my best friend, whom I love and care for very much.