Aimee Mahathy : Writing

Vagabond Dreams

Vagabond Dreams

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

blah, lyrics unfinished.
Candy Girl

Candy Girl

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

A caricature
Give me a Labotomy

Give me a Labotomy

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

Just how the media sickens me.
Looking Glass Girl

Looking Glass Girl

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

blah, unfinished
Hello Mirror

Hello Mirror

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

some lyrics I just wrote- of losing oneself in society


A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

like a haze of down, resting sweetly on your lashes~
An Explanation

An Explanation

A Story by Aimee Mahathy

A reply to hateful "friends"
My Once Dearest

My Once Dearest

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

Letter to unnamed #1
The Plummet

The Plummet

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

random thought~
In the Belly of The Beast

In the Belly of The Beast

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

I rode in a combine today, XD