MyInkyPen : Writing

Mariella's Toy Store

Mariella's Toy Store

A Story by MyInkyPen

Chapter1/Short story, you decide
The fight.

The fight.

A Poem by MyInkyPen

Just a little something I wrote a while ago. Not to be taken seriously :)
Dancing with him but dreaming of you

Dancing with him but dreaming of you

A Poem by MyInkyPen

The almost-affair. My only regret is saying no.
A valediction to Rhyme

A valediction to Rhyme

A Poem by MyInkyPen

A thankyou to words and the power they have to cure, conquer and create.
Childhood thoughts

Childhood thoughts

A Poem by MyInkyPen

Not really a poem, just a thought.


A Poem by MyInkyPen

Yet another dark one.
The darkness.

The darkness.

A Poem by MyInkyPen

Another from my darker days.


A Poem by MyInkyPen

Written in my darker days but nevertheless, still relevant.
Wishful thinking

Wishful thinking

A Poem by MyInkyPen

I wrote this a while ago when I used to read too many romance novels and still believed in Prince Charming.


A Poem by MyInkyPen

Make of it what you like.