Is my life to much for you? is my mind too deep for you? are my demons to much to handle? can you believe you hid? can you believe i'm this way? would..
My ugly heart,the thing you stole and tore apart. its ugly because of you.Steal my ugly heart. replace it with something brand new...Never show me lov..
You make me truly happy. but you don't even notice how much i like you. how much i want your attention. do you realize this now? I've gone to the last..
All that's really in your head, demons, shadows, and silhouettes, barricading your mind, from making the right choice. this is how things go in life. ..
What is truly love? unexplained happiness? the fact that you could honestly say the person that loves you makes you feel so damn confident? that you n..
Right now, there is a girl, she is standing on the edge of time. in her own world. hurting.right now there is a girl, hiding in her clost. hiding from..
I dare you, to just go outside stand on your back deck your back yard just go outside, and looking into the stars, just keep serching until you finall..
I'm sorry i'm gone, I had to go, I couldn't stay here anymore, I need to go somewhere where I can be alone. I'm a little late, I'm a little done, I ne..
Once upon a time, I had attention, everyone talked to me, i couldn't stand it... but i neverrealizedhowimpotentit'd be to me,Once upon a time, i got i..
A Master Piece, a master mind, a beautiful design.something true, can make you blue, but something new can kill you.a whirlwind in the sky, master pie..